Thursday, October 11, 2007

david holzman's diary

i am watching a movie i chose at photoplay, a greenpt. video store amanda recommended to me. it's called david holzman's diary. right now a stoned guy with an accent is saying really serious things and seems very concerned and he's shooting like from standing on a sofa and there's a weird painting behind him and it's a very long take and a pretty long shot. i don't think i'm doing justice to how good this movie has been so far. i chose it because the cover was so laudatory and it said it was in the lib of congress along with some things like "touch of evil". i need to see the orson welles movies. i like photoplay. the guy there told me to rent "broken english", a sad thing that i could hardly watch, but it was good. the thing i like best is that they have "the milky way" which is this completely insane bunuel movie, right there on the wall. that movie is what i imagine wes anderson is referring to in the dvd extras of "the royal tenenbaums", when he refers to bunuel. the PA thinks he means "the discreet charm of the bourgeoisie", but when he says that, wes anderson makes the saddest, most helpless face. ok

1 comment:

Chelsea said...

aaaaaaaaaaah broken english agh