Thursday, August 9, 2007


learning spanish.

the first thing i want to learn to say in spanish is:
stop opening the goddamn fire hydrants, get a fucking rubber hose or something, or just pour tons of water on yourselves. this is some merry bullshit that raises your taxes exorbitantly.

or something to that effect. i wish that manu chao lived in my pockets. he speaks like, several languages. i do not speak a goddamn word of spanish.

today on youtube i noticed that someone i know has a serious anger problem that seems really horrible and depressing. whoops! and is COMPLETELY WEIRD. whom i like a lot in spite of this, maybe b/c of this, but AS IF my qualifications as a mental health professional, would stand up to personal-offense scrutiny (they would not). even though: this exists.

wow. what emotional ground this blog is totally breaking.

hmmm. but not even my qualifications as someone who speaks english could handle this.

but anyway- what is anger? i mean, what is it for? i get super angry a lot! i feel like anger comes out of a lack of discourse. sometimes anger itself is what makes the discrouse lacking. look how fucking stupid this blog is, etc.


theponyproblem said...

i would also like to apologize for my secret insults! especially becaus ei am having a youtube film festival. i was thinking to myself about what kind of misconstruences could be glamoured from this blog posting and set out to see who, if anyone, that i know, is on youtube. lo and behold, many are. uh, the lcmullens, whose videso many of which i've never seen, including the excellent one i am watching now for the first time, "mom and dad have vidka in the trunk", as well as "crazy bombs band". and many more! the secret anger problem is not bm (uh oh) 's dad or mom. yay i don't have a job yet!

theponyproblem said...

against secret insults NOT DIRECTED at anyone who has ever read this blog, or ever would.